Before I explain WHY you need to schedule a fresh 48 session, you might want to know WHAT it is. For the expecting moms and dads out there, a fresh 48 session refers to the first 48 hours after birth. These are the sweet hours of firsts for your baby and you. I remember these hours feeling so surreal and calm as I held our baby boy first the first time, taking in each of his little movements and breaths I couldn’t believe he was ours.
That being said, I know not everyone has the same birth experience or journey to becoming parents and I want to express that not matter how you became a parent, capture these moments yourself if hiring a photographer isn’t an option.
Real and Raw- Each hour, you’ll be amazed at how much your baby grows and learns. I remember just staring at him and it felt like the world just stopped every time I saw his chest rise and fall. These priceless moments are captured in a documentary style, meaning its unposed, raw, natural and REAL. Just baby, parents and a few swaddles.
Low Stress- While yes, bringing a child into the world can be stressful, there is also this sense of calm that surrounds you when you have just given birth. You aren’t worrying about what you look like, the laundry, or how clean your house is. All the care and focus is on loving your little one and taking in all their newness.
Firsts- This leads me to my next point which is witnessing all of their “firsts”. This might seem silly thinking about a newborns “firsts” but there are quite a few! For example, their (and maybe your) first diaper change, first yawn, first sleepy snore, first latch, first finger grab… see where I am going with this. There are so many little details and moments that will amaze you and are worth documenting.
Change- We hate to admit this, but babies grow too fast. Everyone will tell you this, but it’s true. I look at my 6 month baby boy and constantly ask him “how did you get so big?” and to that he just smiles and giggles.
Timeless- At the end of the day, trends change but lifestyle photos will never go out of style. It’s a story, frozen in time, documenting the real and the raw emotion. When you look a these photos, it will bring back the most beautiful and treasured time in your life
Swaddles purchased from miller + jett, a locally owned and operated children clothing store in International Falls, MN.